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Popular boy names in Russia

#Name Meaning
1 Nikitavictor by the people, loved by all
2 Александр
3 Андрей
4 Иван
5 Евгений
6 Алексей
7 Илья
8 Никита
9 Павел
10 Денис
11 Дмитрий
12 Максим
13 Егор
14 RomanA citizen of Rome
15 Олег
16 Сергей
17 RuslanLion-like
18 Кирилл
19 Denisagriculture, fertility, nature and wine
20 Vladimirby famous rule
21 Антон
22 Tissefjert
23 Николай
24 Даниил
25 Тимурiron
26 SiriusDog Star
27 РоманRoman
28 Владимирto rule with greatness, rule, great, famous
29 Михаил
30 Timuriron
31 IgorWarrior
32 MishaHebrew for "Who is like God"
33 Vadima powerful ruler
34 YuriBoer, Akkerman
35 Юрий
36 Владиславto rule with glory, rule, glory
37 Dimitrison of Demeter
38 PavelKlein;
39 Dimitrij
40 Вячеслав
41 Игорь
42 AndreyVariant of Andrew: Brave; Manly.
43 DaniilMy judge is God
44 MikhailThat
45 BoykaStroke
46 KonstantinVariant of Constantine: Steady; stable.
47 Antoninvaluable
48 Валерий
49 Ваня
50 Руслан
51 Виктор
52 Юлиан
53 Ярослав
54 IvanYahweh is gracious
55 Анатолий
56 Марк
57 AlexeyDefender
58 MaximThe largest
59 Артем
60 ShrekInvented Name
61 Пенис
62 Богданgiven by God, god, given
63 Rustam
64 Даня
65 Константин
66 Nikolay
67 KuroNinth Son
68 Demis
69 AleksandrProtector of men
70 AlekseiWarrior protector
71 IlyaPower of God
72 MaksimThe
73 OlegProsperous
74 Владrule
75 ViktorVictor
76 Ян
77 MarkMark is popularly used as a male given name in English language or many European countries. Originally, it was from old Latin "Mart-kos" meaning "consecrated to the god Mars", "God of war" or "to be warlike". This name Mark is formed from Marcus. The author of the second Gospel in the New Testament was Saint Mark, He is the patron saint of Venice.
78 AlexAbbreviation of the Greek name Alexander, meaning defender of mankind. The name is common among English, German and Dutch speakers.
79 Grishawatchful
80 Alfian
81 Волжра
82 Peterrock
83 VovaPeaceful power
84 SergeyGendarme
85 Killua
86 Артём
87 ZubToothed
88 Artem
89 Shorzav
90 ArthurFrom the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous. Famous bearer: Legendary sixth century King Arthur of Britain and his Round Table of knights. This legend dates to the early 9th century.
91 Kirillmaster
92 Давидbeloved
93 Тарасfrom Taras
94 Nickolay
95 Ölüm
96 Данил
97 Тимофей
98 Каролина
99 Klausvictor by the people, loved by all
100 Boriscombatant
101 Yafim
102 Борисshort, wolf
103 Luciuslighting
104 EfimWell-spoken
105 Raulwolf
106 Egora tiller of the soil (farmer)
107 Вадимrule
108 BrainHill, Brains, The Brain
109 Arťom
110 Родион
111 Gasilio
112 Reznikbutcher
113 Дима
114 Эдуард
115 Василий
116 GermanBrother
117 Леонид
118 Yuriyeditor of the Earth
119 Deniss
120 AlekseyWarrior protector
121 StilesStiles.
122 Рустем
123 SashaGuardian
124 Ingus
125 Argoname of the ship Jason
126 Diegohe heel grip
127 Влас
128 GrigoryAwake, alert
129 Leonellion
130 Eugeniogood
131 Zaur
132 Evanthe archer
133 Nariman
134 Зарина
135 Vladimir Putin
136 Nasrallah
137 SergejGendarme
138 LevUnited.
139 Стас
140 Seriozhaattendant
141 HanzoGod is gracious
142 Khamzat
143 Глебheir of god, god, heir
144 Артемий
145 RufaRed haired.
146 ArseniMasculine
147 TimofeyTo Honor God
148 Cykabeautynature
149 Артур
150 Shahramthe people of the city listen to him

Popular girl names in Russia

#Name Meaning
1 Анастасия
2 Анна
3 Юлия
4 Мария
5 Полина
6 Дарья
7 Anastasiarisen by baptism to new life
8 Виктория
9 Ирина
10 Елена
11 Татьяна
12 Алёна
13 Софья
14 Ольга
15 Елизавета
16 Марина
17 Екатерина
18 AlinaDiminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'athal' meaning noble.
19 Дианаheavenly, divine
20 PolinaLittle Stone
21 Наталья
22 Александра
23 Ксения
24 Алина
25 Настя
26 Валерия
27 DianaFrom the Greek goddess of the moon.
28 AnnaGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
29 Irinapeace
30 Кристина
31 Вероника
32 Olgaholy
33 Ангелина
34 Евгения
35 KarinaClean / pure
36 Svetlanalighting
37 Mariashapely clean
38 Яна
39 Арина
40 Лиза
41 Arinapeace
42 Катя
43 Надеждаhope
44 MargaritaPearl
45 Алиса
46 София
47 ElenaShining light, or bright one. A variant of the Greek Helen.
48 AlisaNoble (nobility)
49 Светланаlight, world
50 Олеся
51 Карина
52 ValeriaOn
53 Маргарита
54 KseniaWanderer
55 Marinashapely clean
56 Irán
57 EkaterinaPure
58 MilanaGracious;
59 DariaTo maintain
60 Варвара
61 Вика
62 YanaGod is reconciling
63 Алена
64 VeronikaVictory
65 VictoriaVictor
66 JuliaPeople of Julus
67 VikaFrom the creek.
68 KristinaFollower
69 Ева
70 AlaskaGreat Land
71 LalisaNoble, kind
72 Вераfaith, true
73 Mashamarjoram (herb). Also known as Marjoram Herb Sausage or
74 SofiaWisdom
75 Innaclean or pure
76 Наталия
77 NatashaChrist
78 Anastasijarisen by baptism to new life
79 GalinaPeace, peace
80 SabinaSabine, woman
81 AllaOther
82 Оксана
83 Альбина
84 RimmaFrom Rome
85 OksanaPraise Be To God
86 RaisaRose
87 YuliaYouthful, Downy
88 MisaBeautiful Bloom
89 Даша
90 MarchaPearl
91 DinaRated
92 AlexandraFeminine of Alexander. Defender of mankind.
93 Ульяна
94 Аня
95 Галина
96 Лидия
97 Саша
98 TanyaFairy Queen
99 TatianaUnknown
100 AlyonaTorch
101 Милена
102 EvgeniaNoble
103 Валентина
104 LorenaVariant of Laura or Lora referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory.
105 Даринаgift
106 MilaPeople's Favor
107 AnitaGracious, sweet and bitter, sad
108 Ксюша
109 DanaMy judge is God
110 LarisaThe Smile
111 Nastyareborn
112 Zarinagold
113 Milenashapely clean
114 Nataliabirthday
115 LauraThe laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants.
116 Janaderived from the Sabijnenkoning Titus Tatius
117 ElizabethGod has sworn
118 AlfiaHonest
119 Ninathe ever pure, pure
120 Esila
121 RenesmeeReborn And Loved
122 Viktorija
123 אנה
124 Лилия
125 ElviraTruth. White or beautiful. Famous bearers: the heroine of Noel Coward's play 'Blithe Spirit'; A character in the legend of Don Juan.
126 Uliana
127 ArianaVivacious.
128 Эльвира
129 AngelinaAn Italian diminutive of the Greek Angela meaning angel or messenger.
130 Любовьlove
131 Людмила
132 AleksandraProtector of mankind
133 Busananight girl of the moon
134 Zalina
135 Василиса
136 LanaRock
137 Таисия
138 ImanReligious leader
139 Louisianain honor of king louis
140 Анжелика
141 NastiaResurrection
142 ElisaGod has sworn
143 DianoraCombination of Dia (after) and (eleo) nora.
144 DanielaGod is my judge
145 LarissaCheerful
146 Lubaa lover
147 JoannaGod is with us
148 Erikaruler of the Law
149 SonaGold
150 SashaGuardian

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